Important Website Design Tips- Every designer should adhere to

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Designing a corporate website can sometimes be very tedious especially when you are trying to meet clients’ specifications and as well maintain the actual UI/UX design flow. A good designer knows what will look good on a screen, but they also need to know how to make sure your website performs well. We got our clients at heart and sure customer satisfaction is primary.

Here are Few and important website design tips we must adhere to.


Keep everything simple and easy to find. People who go to your site want to find information quickly, and the only way to do that is to use a simple, clean, and easy-to-use layout. They don’t want to scan an entire page trying to find the links that go to the information they need. They want to know your company’s name, address, phone number, pricing, hours of operation, work schedule, and more — and they want to know it quickly!
Your site should have clear places for your company name, logo, contact information, headings, and page text. All of these elements should be laid out so visitors can find them quickly and easily. After all, the faster someone can find what they need on your website, the faster they can convert into customers.

It is important to note that your navigation should be as precise as possible, give a clear navigation direction. If you see products and don’t want your home page to be crowded, you can easily keep and easy Call To Action (CTA) button to enable customers to navigate to your product or service page.


A simple design needs to be accompanied by clear and readable labeling. The labels on your site can be links to other pages, headings for the content on a page, and anything else that tells a reader what they can expect from a page. Good website designers know how to lay pages out to make them easy to scan for users. They know where to place the most important information and how to make it stand out. They may use color, varying typefaces, different fonts, or other elements to draw a reader’s attention. Clarity speaks volumes.


To top off all of your work, your site needs to be easy to use. When a page doesn’t load properly or photos aren’t visible, you make yourself look unprofessional. Every page on your website you have should load quickly and display every page element properly, whether someone’s looking on their laptop, smartphone, tablet, or other devices. that what we call responsive design. A good website looks great on every devices

Good web designers will make your company’s site-responsive as they’re working so that you can immediately reach as many potential customers as possible. They’ll also add buttons to your site that visitors can easily click or touch, and they’ll make your site scrollable on handheld devices. With all of those elements in place, you’ll have a strong online presence that can bring you more customers

At Spice Technologies, we create websites with the users at heart and optimum client satisfaction, Click to get in touch with us

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